Title | File |
Regulation 23(9) – 30.09.2024 | |
Regulation 23(9)_31.03.2024 | |
Regulation 23(9)_30.09.2023 | |
Regulation 23(9)_31.03.2023 | |
Regulation 23(9)_30.09.2022 | |
Regulation 23 (9)_31.03.2022 | |
Regulation-239_30.09.2021 | |
Regulation 23(9)_31.03.2021 | |
Regulation 23(9)_30.09.2020 | |
Regulation 23(9)_31.03.2020 | |
Regulation 23(9)_ 30.09.2019 | |
Regulation 23(9)_31.03.2019 |
Title | File |
Instructions for attending AGM and E-voting | |
Instructions for attending AGM and E-voting | |
Instructions for attending AGM and E-voting | |
Instructions for attending AGM and E-voting | |
Instructions-for-attending-106th-AGM-and-E-voting.pdf | |
Instruction-105th-Annual-General-Meeting.pdf |
Title | File |
Newspaper Advertisement of Notice of 110th Annual General Meeting Book Closure and E-voting | |
Newspaper Advertisement of Notice of 109th Annual General Meeting Book Closure and E-voting | |
Newspaper Advertisement of Notice of 108th Annual General Meeting Book Closure and E-voting | |
Newspaper Advertisement – Record Date | |
Newspaper Advertisement of Notice of 107th AGM of the Company to be held through Video Conference Other Audio-Visual Means | |
Newspaper Advertisement of Notice of 107th Annual General Meeting Book Closure and E-voting |
Title | File |
Voting Result and Scrutinizers Report of 110th AGM | |
Summary of proceedings of the 110th AGM | |
Voting Result and Scrutinizers Report of 109th AGM | |
Summary of proceedings of the 109th AGM | |
Voting Result and Scrutinizers Report of 108th AGM | |
Summary of proceedings of the 108th AGM | |
Voting Result and Scrutinizers Report of 107th AGM | |
Summary of proceedings of the 107th AGM | |
Voting Result and Scrutinizers Report of 106th AGM | |
Summary of proceedings of the 106th AGM | |
Voting Result and Scrutinizers Report of 105th AGM | |
Summary of proceedings of the 105th AGM | |
Voting Result and Scrutinizers Report of 104th AGM | |
Summary of proceedings of the 104th AGM | |
Voting Result and Scrutinizers Report of 103rd AGM | |
Summary of proceedings of the 103rd AGM | |
Voting Result and Scrutinizers Report of 102nd AGM | |
Summary of proceedings of the 102nd AGM | |
Voting Result and Scrutinizers Report of 101st AGM | |
Voting Result and Scrutinizers Report of 100th AGM |
Title | File |
Form No. MGT – 7 – Annual Return 2023-24 | |
Form No. MGT – 7 – Annual Return 2022-23 | |
Form No. MGT-7 Annual Return 2021-22 | |
Annual Return MGT 9 for the FY 2021-22 | |
Form No. MGT-7 Annual Return 2021-22 | |
Annual Return MGT 9 for the FY 2020-21 | |
Form No. MGT-7 Annual Return 2020-21 | |
Form No. MGT-7 Annual Return 2019-20 |
Title | File |
Regulation – 30 – Intimation of incorporation of a Subsidiary Company | |
Regulation 30 – LoI and MoU with CSE e-Governance Services India Ltd and consortium partners | |
Regulation 30 – 16.09.2024 | |
Regulation – 30 – Intimation for proposed formation of a Subsidiary Company. | |
Newspaper Advertisement – Notice for Declaration of Interim Dividend and Record Date | |
Newspaper Advertisement – Unaudited Financial Result 30.06.2024 | |
Regulation – 30 – TDS Intimation | |
Notice of Record Date – Interim Dividend for the Financial Year 2024-25 | |
Regulation 30 – Technology Transfer Agreement with Defence Research Laboratory | |
Newspaper Advertisement – Audited Financial Result 31.03.2024 | |
Regulation 42 (Book Closure) 27.05.2024 | |
Intimation of Investor Presentation – 26.03.2024 | |
Intimation of Investor Presentation – 20.03.2024 | |
Newspaper Advertisement – Notice of Hearing of the Petition | |
https://www.mafatlals.com/wp-admin/upload.php?item=75660 | |
Regulation – 30 – Award for Annual Report | |
Regulation – 30 – Communication to the Shareholders | |
Newspaper Advertisement – Regulation 30 | |
Newspaper Advertisement – Unaudited Financial Result 31.12.2023 | |
Notice convening the Meeting of the Unsecured Creditors | |
Notice convening the Meeting of the Secured Creditors | |
Notice convening the Meeting of the Equity Shareholders | |
Intimation of NCLT Order 19.12.2023 | |
Intimation of Schedule of Investor Presentation – 26.12.2023 | |
Intimation of Schedule of Investors Meet – 21.12.2023 | |
Intimation of Schedule of Investors Meet – 08.09.2023 | |
Newspaper Advertisement – Unaudited Financial Result 30.09.2023 | |
Regulation 30 – 28.03.2022 | |
Regulation 30 – Intimation of Alteration in Memorandum of Association | |
Alteration of Memorandum Disclosure – 30.05.2023 | |
Newspaper Advertisement – Audited Financial Result 31.03.2022 | |
Regulation 42 (Book Closure) 30.05.2023 | |
Intimation to Shareholders | |
Regulation 30 – 16.12.2022 | |
Intimation of Sub-Division (Split) of Shares | |
Notice of Record Date | |
Divestment of equity stake in Vrata Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd | |
Regulation 30 – Divestment of equity stake in Vrata Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. | |
Regulation 30 – Appointment of Company Secretary and Cost Auditor of the Company | |
Newspaper Advertisement – Unaudited Financial Result – 30.06.2022 | |
Newspaper Advertisement – Unaudited Financial | |
Regulation 30 – Change of Name of Registrar & Share Transfer Agent | |
Regulation 30 – Resignation of Company Secretary | |
Regulation – 30 VTS 13-01-2022 | |
Regulation 30 – 23 Oct 2021 | |
Disclosure Under Regulation 30 12 Oct 2021 | |
Disclosure Under Regulation 30 | |
Regulation-30 – Intimation of Approval of appointmentre-appointment of Directors | |
Disclosure Under Regulation 30 SEBI (LODR) | |
Post Board Meeting update 10.06.2021 | |
Regulation 42 (Book Closure) 26.05.2021 | |
Intimation of Approval of Reclassification | |
Disclosure Under Regulation 31A Reclassification | |
Disclosure Under Regulation 30 COVID19 | |
Disclosure Under Regulation 30 | |
Application for Reclassification | |
Disclosure Under Regulation 31A | |
Disclosure to Stock Exchange 26.03.2020 | |
Disclosure Under Regulation 30 | |
Change of Name of Registrar | |
Disclosure Under Regulation 31(1) | |
Regulation 30 – Disclosure of ESOP Grant | |
Litigation in the Matter of Land at Mazagaon 18 Jan 2019 | |
Change in Director KMP – 17 Dec 2018 | |
Change in RTA letter | |
Regulation 30 – Update on litigation in the matter of land at Mazagaon – 21 Nov 2018 | |
Regulation 30 – Update on litigation in the matter of land at Mazagaon | |
Update on Board Meeting 01 June 2018 | |
Regulation 30 of SEBI(LODR) Regulations, 2015 and SEBI(SBEB) Regulations, 2014 | |
Regulation 7(2)(b) of SEBI | |
Regulation 29(2) of SEBI | |
Update on Board Meeting 05-05-2017 | |
Update on Mazagaon land 25 Jan 2017 | |
Update on Mazagaon land 9 Nov 2016 | |
Stock Exchange letter- regarding news item in Mumbai Mirror | |
Regulation 10(7) of SEBI (SAST) Regulations,2011 | |
Change in Director KMP | |
MIL Regulation 30 | |
Investor Release with Letter | |
MIL Regulation 10(5) HAM | |
Change of Share Transfer Agent |
Title | File |
B.M. Notice 26.10.2024 | |
Closure of Trading Window-30.09.2024 | |
B.M. Notice 02.08.2024 | |
Closure of Trading Window-30.06.2024 | |
B.M. Notice 27.05.2024 | |
Closure of Trading Window-31.03.2024 | |
B.M. Notice 05.02.2024 | |
Closure of Trading Window-31.12.2023 | |
Closure of Trading Window- 30.09.2023 | |
B.M. Notice 07.11.2023 | |
B.M. Notice 02.08.2023 | |
Board Meeting Notice – 14.02.2022 | |
Board Meeting Notice 01.11.2021 | |
Board Meeting Notice 29.07.2021 | |
Board Meeting Notice 10.05.2021 | |
Postponement of Board Meeting Notice 10.05.2021 | |
Board Meeting Intimation Notice Regulation-47 26.05.2021 | |
Board Meeting Notice 10.02.2021 | |
Board Meeting Notice 04.11.2020 | |
Board Meeting Notice 08.09.2020 | |
Notice of 106th AGM | |
Board Meeting Notice 27.06.2020 | |
Board Meeting Notice 13.02.2020 | |
Board Meeting Notice 13.11.2019 | |
Board Meeting Notice 01.08.2019 | |
Board Meeting Notice 16.05.2019 | |
Notice of 105th AGM | |
Unaudited Financial Results 30.06.2023 | |
Closure of Trading Window-30.06.2023 | |
Audited Financial Results 31.03.2023 | |
Board Meeting Notice 30.05.2023 | |
Closure of Trading Window – 01.04.2023 | |
Unaudited Financial Result-31.12.2022 | |
Board Meeting Notice 14.02.2023 | |
Closure of Trading Window-01.01.2023 | |
Unaudited Financial Results 30.09.2022 | |
Board Meeting Notice 14.11.2022 | |
Closure of Trading Window Notice 30.09.2022 | |
Outcome of the Board Meeting held on 17th September 2022 | |
Board Meeting Notice 17.09.2022 | |
Closure of Trading Window Notice 30.06.2022 | |
Board Meeting Notice 28.05.2022 | |
Closure of Trading Window Notice-30.03.2022 | |
Board meeting Notice 14-02-2022 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice-31.12.2021 | |
Board meeting Notice 01-11-2021 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice-30.09.2021 | |
Board meeting Notice 29-07-2021 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice-30.06.2021 | |
Board meeting Notice 26-05-2021 | |
Postponement of Board Meeting Notice 10.05.2021 | |
Board meeting Notice 10-05-2021 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice-31.03.2021 | |
Board meeting Notice 10-02-2021 | |
Board Meeting Intimation Notice Regulation-47 26.05.2021 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice-31.12.2020 | |
Board meeting Notice 04-11-2020 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice-30.09.2020 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice-30.06.2020 | |
Board meeting Notice 30-06-2020 | |
Board meeting Notice 27-06-2020 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice-31.03.2020 | |
Board meeting Notice 13-02-2020 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Board Meeting Notice 13-11-2019 | |
Board Meeting Notice 01-08-2019 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice-28.06.2019 | |
Board Meeting Notice 27-04-2019 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice-03.04.2019 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Board meeting Notice 31-01-2019 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Board meeting Notice 31-10-2018 | |
Board meeting Notice 30-07-2018 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Board meeting Notice 03-05-2018 | |
Board meeting Notice 09-02-2018 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Board Meeting Notice 10-11-2017 | |
Board meeting Notice 10-08-2017 | |
Board meeting Notice 10-08-2017 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Board meeting Notice 25-01-2017 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Board meeting Notice 25-10-2016 | |
Board Meeting Notice 29-07-2016 | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Closure-of-Trading-Window-Notice | |
Board Meeting Notice 28-01-2016 | |
Board Meeting Notice 28-10-2015 |
Title | File |
Notice of Postal Ballot |
Title | File |
Upgraded Credit Rating – 04.10.2024 | |
Assigned and Upgraded of Credit Rating – 22.06.2024 | |
Upgrade-of-Credit-Rating-–-04.08.2023 | |
Revision-in-Credit-Rating-17.04.2023 | |
Reaffirmation-of-Credit-Rating-30.08.2022 | |
Revision-in-Credit-Rating-12.08.2022 | |
Revision-in-Credit-Rating-20.06.2022 | |
Revision-in-CARE-Rating-–-30.11.2021 | |
Revision-in-Credit-Rating-–-01.04.2021 | |
Revision-in-CARE-Rating-–-01.10.2020 | |
CARE-Rating-of-Mafatlal-Industries-Limited-–-04.10.2019 | |
Revision-in-CARE-Rating-–-12.03.2018 | |
Credit-Rating-of-Mafatlal-Industries-Limited-–-05.03.2018 | |
Revision-in-CARE-Rating-–-04.08.2016 |
Title | File |
IEPF-Notice-06.06.2024 | |
List of Shareholders whose shares will be transferred to IEPF (Except those who would encash their Dividends prior to 28th August, 2024) | |
Shares Transferred To IEPF Authority in November, 2023 | |
IEPF-Notice-16.06.2023 | |
List of Shareholders whose shares will be transferred to IEPF (Except those who would encash their Dividends prior to 6th September, 2023) | |
List of Shareholders whose shares will be transferred to IEPF (Except those who would encash their Dividends prior to 7th September, 2022) | |
IEPF Notice 10.06.2022 | |
Notice Of IEPF | |
Shares-Transferred-To-IEPF-In-December-2022 | |
Shares-Transferred-To-IEPF | |
Shares Transferred To IEPF In October, 2020 | |
List of Shareholders whose shares will be transferred to IEPF (Except those who would encash their Dividends prior to 10th September, 2021) | |
Unpaid-Dividend-2016-17 | |
Unpaid-Dividend-2015-16 | |
Unpaid-Dividend-2014-15 | |
Unpaid-Dividend-2013-14 | |
Unpaid-Dividend-2012-13 |
Date of Incorporation | 20th January 1913 |
Registered Office | 301-302, Heritage Horizon, Third Floor, Off. C. G. Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380009, India. Email: ahmedabad@mafatlals.com Website: www.mafatlals.com Tel: 079 – 26444404-06 |
Corporate Office | 5th Floor, Mafatlal House, H. T. Parekh Marg, Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai- 400 020, Maharashtra, India. Telephone: +91-22-6617 3636, |
Date of Listing | 25-02-1967 |
ISIN | INE270B01035 |
BSE Ltd Code | 500264 |
CIN | L17110GJ1913PLC000035 |
No of shares outstanding | Nil |
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer / Nodal Officer | Mr. Amish Kumar Shah. Mafatlal Industries Limited 301-302, Heritage Horizon, 3rd Floor, Off. C G Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 38000, Gujarat. India. |
Kfin Technologies Limited
Hyderabad | Ahmedabad | Mumbai |
Selenium Tower B, Plot 31-32, Gachibowli, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad, Telangana – 500 032, India. Tel: 18002094001 E-mail: einward.ris@kfintech.com website: www.kfintech.com | Office No. 401 4th Floor, ABC-I, off. C.G. Road, Ahmedabad – 380 009. Contact No.: 9081903021/ 9081903022 E-mail: ahmedabadmfd@kfintech. com | 24B, Rajabahadur Mansion, Ground floor, Ambala Doshi Marg, Fort, Mumbai 400 023. Tel. 022- 66235353 E-mail: mumbaimfd@kfintech.com |
Title | File |
ESOP Allotment 26.10.2024 | |
ESOP Allotment 19.07.2024 | |
ESOP-Complaince-Certificate-2023-24 | |
ESOP Allotment 27.05.2024 | |
ESOP Allotment 05.02.2024 | |
ESOP Allotment 07.11.2023 | |
ESOP Allotment 02.08.2023 | |
ESOP-Complaince-Certificate-2022-23 | |
Regulation-30-14.02.2023 | |
ESOP-Allotment-12.09.2022 | |
ESOP-28.05.2022 | |
ESOP-Allotment-14.02.2022 | |
ESOP-Allotment-01.11.2021 | |
ESOP-Allotment-29.07.2021 | |
ESOP-Allotment-10.02.2021 |
Title | File |
Board and Committees |
Description | file |
MILPOLHR6.0-POSH POLICY-eff from 1 Aug-24 | |
Policy on Appointment of Directors Board Diversity | |
Nomination and Remuneration Policy | |
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy | |
Terms Conditions of Appointment of Independent Director | |
Familiarisation Programme for Independent Directors | |
Whistle Blower Policy | |
Director Familiarization programme -2023-24 | |
Director Familiarization programme -2022-23 | |
Director Familiarization programme -2021-22 | |
Familiarization programme for Independent Directors 2020-21 | |
Familiarization Programme 2019-20 | |
Familiarization Programmes 2018-19 | |
Policy-on-Related-Party-Transactions | |
Contact-Details-of-KMPs | |
Policy-on-Materiality-of-Subsidiary | |
Policy-on-Materiality-of-Related-Party-Transactions-and-dealing-with-Related-Party-Transactions | |
Nomination-Remuneration-Evaluation-of-Performance | |
archival_policy | |
policy_on_remuneration | |
Policy-for-Determination-of-Materiality-of-events-or-Information |
Title | File |
Certified True Copy of Interlocutory Applications Order | |
Interlocutory Applications Order – 27.06.2024 | |
Certified True Copy of the Order | |
FINAL Order – 29.04.2024 | |
Submission of Scrutinizer Report – Unsecured Creditors | |
Submission of Scrutinizer Report – Secured Creditors | |
Submission of Scrutinizer Report – Equity Shareholders | |
Outcome of Unsecured Creditors Meeting held on 24.01.2024 | |
Outcome of Secured Creditors Meeting held on 24.01.2024 | |
Outcome of Shareholders Meeting held on 24.01.2024 | |
Notice to Unsecured Creditors | |
Notice to Secured Creditors | |
Notice to Equity Shareholders | |
BSE-Observation-Letter | |
Bank-NOCs | |
Complaint-Report | |
Non-applicability-of-Valuation-Report-and-Fairness-Opinion | |
Report-of-Audit-Committee | |
Report-of-Independent-Directors | |
Auditors-Certificate-on-Accounting-Treatment | |
Compliance-Report | |
Draft-Scheme-of-Arrangement | |
Outcome-of-Board-Meeting-Scheme-of-Arrangement |
Sub-Head | Name | Phone | Fax | Address | |
For Redressal of Investors Grievances/ Queries(Responsible Persons at Company’s Registrar & Share Transfer Agents) | KFin Technologies Ltd | einward.ris@kfintech.com | 040 6716 2222 | Selenium, Tower-B, Plot No.31&32, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Mandal, Hyderabad-500032, India. | |
Investor Relation Centre of KFin Technologies Ltd. for Investor Servicing | 022-66235454 | 022-66331135 | Mumbai,24B, Rajabahadur Mansion, Ground floor, Ambala Doshi Marg, Fort, Mumbai 400 023. | ||
Investor Relation Centre of KFin Technologies Ltd. for Investor Servicing | ahmedabadmfd@kfintech.com | 9081903021/9081903022 | Office No. 401 on 4th Floor, ABC-I, Off: C G Road, Ahmedabad 380009. |